Oh, yeah, I'm running a race tomorrow. The Soldier Field 10M.
I've run it before, but I was a few months pregnant then, and just interested in running it smoothly.
I am actually taking this very seriously. I have been careful not to do too much during taper, and even trying to carbo-load (I hate carbo-loading). I have been making my plans for my schedule and for transport and for fuel. I have my playlist and have even had time to fine tune it. I have been watching the weather very closely (it should be okay that early in the day). I have eschewed my usual dark chocolate break today so I might have no trouble going to bed a little earlier tonight.
My "A" goal is to run at a 9:25 pace. My A+ goal is to run faster. I don't have a B or C goal - just to enjoy myself if it's clear I won't be able to make my other goals. I plan to start just a little slower than goal pace and run as my splits as evenly as I can. My times on this will determine my training paces for my marathon training, which I start next week, so really, I just want to start out strong and push myself to keep going, regardless of how I feel (barring injury, of course).
Time to go pick up my packet and then get off my feet.
See you on the other side,
I hope your race goes well! I love how quiet you are about your races. Your A-goal is awesome...so fast!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!